воскресенье, 30 октября 2011 г.

what is kraft foods historical highlights in MOUNTAIN CENTER what is kraft foods historical highlights MOUNTAIN CENTER

what is kraft foods historical highlights in MOUNTAIN CENTER

what is kraft foods historical highlights

what is kraft foods historical highlights MOUNTAIN CENTER

what is kraft foods historical highlights in MOUNTAIN CENTER.Households, and many of them, such as taco bell taco shells, boca burgers, lunchables, post cereals and stovetop stuffing have been found to contain untested and unlabeled genetically engineered ingredients that may put our families and environment at risk.
Kraft is aware of the potential health and environmental risks of genetically engineered foods.
Kraft also called for stricter regulation of engineered crops.
Despite their strong statements and moves to avoid ge corn in some products, kraft continues to use questionable genetically engineered ingredients in many of its other products.
Meanwhile, hundreds of americans have reported allergic reactions to the fda after eating kraft and other name brand corn products likely to contain ge corn.
Kraft has also moved to avoid genetically engineered ingredients in european markets because of consumer demand and strict laws there.
They should be doing the same around the world.
As the largest food maker in the country, kraft must make sure its food is safe.

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